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23 May

I woke up today morning and thought “Boy I need another silk scarf”… No No.. I don’t need one more. I just want it.



1 to 7

24 Apr

I’ve noticed that some of the happiest things in life are free and I am determined to not take them for granted.

  1. Sunlight streaming  through the window.
  2. Moon framed across the blue sky.
  3. Finding a great blouse handed down to me.
  4. The embrace of a loving family member.
  5. Going to sleep after a long tired day.
  6. Shadow of trees dancing to the wind, cast on my living room wall.
  7. Answering the phone and the joy of knowing that someone took the time to call you.

7 off the top of my head (1 for each day of the week). I am going to take a picture each day of these wonderful things and upload them. For free too. 🙂